Analisis Harga Saham Perusahaan di Pasar Modal

Jika Anda ingin investasi saham di pasar saham, anda harus mengerti nilai saham yang terbaik untuk anda beli. Beli saham di Pasar Modal harus jeli, selain menilai laporan keuangan perusahaan kita juga harus bisa membaca trend dari harga saham tersebut. Kita harus belajar analisis teknikal harga saham perusahaan sehingga kita bisa tahu kapan saat yang tepat beli saham atau jual saham. Salah satu metode analisis teknikal yaitu dengan Japanese Candlestik Pattern.

Metode Candlestick mulai dikenalkan di Amerika Serikat oleh Steve Nison. Steve adalah Pengarang buku “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques” dan “Beyond Candlesticks”. terjual lebih dari 75,000 copies, sudah diterjemahkan dalam 8 bahasa. Diakui sebagai kitab suci untuk yang mau belajar analisa teknikal dengan candlestick. Prestasinya dapat anda lihat di web ini.

Japanese Candlestick ini bisa anda terapkan dalam trading Saham, Options, Forex dan sejenisnya. Jadi untuk anda yang ingin investasi saham dengan aman dan meningkatkan profit anda sudah semestinya belajar dari Steve Nison. Anda bisa lihat dari prestasi dan testimoni peserta yang diberikan untuk Steve Nison.

Belajarlah dari yang TERBAIK, Andalah Tuan dari nasib anda sendiri, Take Action NOW ! Kami persembahkan untuk ANDA, Steve Nison …

Hi, Steve Nison here.As you probably know, I was the first to reveal candlestick charts to the West. And my goal is helping you become the best trader possible.


By showing you how to fully exploit candlestick charts to help increase profits and decrease market. And to make sure you are using them correctly!

That is why I am excited to announce my complete Trading Triad® DVD workshop series covering candlesticks, merging candlesticks with western techniques and money management.

Filmed at my rare full day seminars, these DVDs are so comprehensive … so loaded with “ready-to-use” methods, tips, techniques, and ideas … you’ll be ready to trade like a pro! That’s because I divulge many of the very same secret trading tactics that I have taught to market makers, institutional traders and professional hedge fund and money managers around the world.

In my first DVD workshop series, Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts,

I start with the basics and then carefully hand picked the most important candle signals (including my all time favorite candle signal). And then, using my 30+ years experience in Western technical’s I show how easy and powerful it is to combine candles with western tools. On a level from 1 to 10 this will take you to a 5.

Secrets to Becoming a Samurai Trader: Advanced Candlestick Charting Techniques will take you to a level 10!

Here I focus on the third leg of the Trading Triad ® – Money Management. In this ground breaking DVD course, I present powerful methods (many are revealed only here) for trading with candlestick charts with maximum precision and effectiveness. And the special section on intraday candles will teach you how to use them to get “hidden” support or resistance even if you normally use daily charts.

As a reviewer in Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine said, “This DVD is such a treat! Traders should be aware if they believed they have learned everything from Steve Nison.”

Each of these powerful DVD sets is like attending one of Steve Nison’s live seminars!
You can review this valuable information over and over again at your convenience!
Together, Steve’s Profiting With Japanese Candlestick Charts (DVD#1) and Secrets To Becoming a Samurai Trader (DVD #2) form his Trading Triad® of Technical Analysis. This proprietary trading strategy (pioneered and registered by Steve Nison) forges together the most important aspects of three trading methodologies: 1) Candlesticks; 2) Western tools and 3) Money Management
These techniques and strategies can be used in all markets – including Forex.

These DVD workshops are incredible learning experiences. You’ll learn how to protect your trading capital and make better trading decisions every single day Here’s what you receive:

Steve Nison, discloses his favorite candlestick and western tools, techniques and strategies in this six-hour DVD workshop.

Filmed at one of his full day live seminars, this workshop is perfectly tailored to those new to candlesticks or those who want to make sure they are using candlesticks correctly and to their maximum profit potential.

Discover Steve’s all time favorite candlestick signal (this alone is worth the price of the DVD!) Learn the importance of risk/reward analysis. See how to merge candle signals with western signals. These are many of the very same techniques Steve uses for his institutional clients.

Just some of the exciting features of this workshop include:

  • Special focus on money management such as when to enter and exit trades, looking at candles in context and being a market chameleon by adapting to the market.
  • The newest refinements for high success trading with candles.
  • Extra focus on using intraday candle charts – for day and swing traders.
  • This is the only way (besides Steve’s live seminars) that you get can this secret information.
  • Learn Nison Trading Principles – Steve’s core trading guidelines for successful trading.
  • BONUS: Special “Test Your Knowledge” Section: Over 20 extra charts with nearly 50 in depth interactive questions (and answers) tests and refines your candlestick trading skills.

Belajarlah dari yang Terbaik.


SMS : 0818-0805-0980


Happy Make BIG Profit Trading !